Kathy owns two businesses: Beekman Fine Art & Design and Art Coaching For You.
Introduction to Kathy Beekman
One of Kathy's goals for the year was to finish a video for her website that showcased both her work and her personality. The fact that much of her work is done by finger-painting made it that much more interesting.
Sandy Puc' Productions worked with her to create a video that would give current and potential collectors an introduction to the artist behind the paintings. Since her process is so unique, we wanted to highlight that to tell the whole story from artist to finished painting.
To learn more about Kathy, visit her website.
Art Coaching For You
In addition to painting, Kathy also owns an art coaching business: Art Coaching For You. She works with visual artists of all kinds, coaching and empowering them to be successful as professional artists.
While "An Introduction to Kathy Beekman" was more of an informational video, "Art Coaching For You" was more promotional. What better way to promote her business than through Kathy's clients themselves! We captured multiple interviews with Kathy's clients and used them to tell the story of Art Coaching For You and how it benefits the lives of these artists.
To learn more about Art Coaching For You, visit their website.
Mira Fine - Testimonial
A client testimonial can go a long way in telling a business' story. In "Introduction to Kathy Beekman," Kathy talks about her art from her own perspective, but we decided to capture an interview with one of her collectors. This adds another perspective to Kathy's work and what makes it special.
Mira Fine has been collecting Beekmans for over a decade. She shared with us what her collection means to her, and her testimonial made for another valuable video for Kathy's website.